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Hi, thank you for visiting Om Seva Yoga. My name is Olga and I am 200hrs Yoga Alliance UK certified Vinyasa yoga teacher. 
I joined my first yoga class in 2010 when I was a student and firmly landed on this journey again in 2014 while working in a stressful job in the city. Yoga immediately became my safe space, where I could switch off my mind and move the body to the sounds of my breath. I felt very calm and relaxed after each class and kept coming back! I spent a few years practicing Ashtanga yoga under the guidance of Peter Santos Rego, who inspired me to practice daily and learn more about yoga. In 2022 I trained as a Vinyasa flow yoga teacher at Integrity centre under the guidance of Alina Bialek, who is a rockstar among the London yoga community. 
My classes are dynamic but suitable to all levels, as I offer variations to some postures depending on where you are in your practice. 
Please reach out if you have any questions about yoga and my classes and i hope to see you on the mat soon!


Please choose a class below to book

Vinyasa flow class is indoor 1hr dynamic yoga class held at The Mill End community centre on Tuesdays
Yoga in the park is 45mins class held at The Aquadrome during the summer time (weather dependent) 

Arrive to the class a few mins early and bring your own mat if you have one (spares available). 

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